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Galatic Superwave

broken image

Thanks to Adam for sending this in. It's always nice to get a little real-world confirmation of what we've been feeling for however long. Maybe more to the point…confirmation of what channeled messages have been imparting of late.

  1. Galactic Wave Update
  2. Galactic Wave
  3. The Galactic Superwave Tarot

The 'superwave theory' is minority view science. It claims that our galaxy is related to a 'Seyfert galaxy'. These are genuine things, but ours is not a Seyfert galaxy. So that's an eccentric thing to claim. I think it is fair to say that probably most astronomers have never heard of a 'superwave'. What do you guys think of this 'Galactic Superwave' theory? It seems pretty far fetched, but I don't know? I know I shouldn't worry because even if I was true there would be nothing we could do about it, but I still worry about it a lot. 'Make Your Gravity BEFORE-Arrival of Galactic SuperWave.' Dan Winter suggested - 'I feel a sense of urgency since my personal lucid dream of global blackout and high water, of about 1 month ago- specifically - left the word KRAKATOA echoing in my head when I woke up'. Galactic Superwave, 'The Event', 11:11 Synchronicity. Submitted by Open on Fri, - 06:41. People the world over are seeing the 11:11 Synchronicity. What is that really referring to and why is it so important. Share the Openhand perspective on the interrelation of 4 key centres of consciousness within your evolution and the wider shift.

It's a 6 minute video, but if you prefer to read the actual scientific document, there's a link below. At around 1:20, he starts speaking about the Galactic Center. The topic of emerging worlds and other far out things come up…so it would seem that an open minded approach to possibilities would be wise.

Media BlackOut on Eruption in Sumatra (KrakatoaComplex) Portends to Blind Us To:
Arrival of Galactic SuperWave.

from Implosion Group : April 20, 05. on web:, index:


'Make Your Gravity BEFORE-Arrival of Galactic SuperWave..'Dan Winter suggested - 'I feel a sense of urgency since mypersonal lucid dream of global blackout and high water, of about1 month ago- specifically - left the word KRAKATOA echoing inmy head when I woke up'. (The hi water lucid dreams of MANYothers noted below).

We start with - latest note from Jen. (info on Jen in 3rdnote below) 'Hi everyone. David Gregson just sent me this.I told you that there is media blackout on it here in the UK.I found it very interesting that this region is opposite Yellowstone,corroborating the theory of inner planetary symmetry. I'm gettingsome great emails and links following my last one ( - thanks everyone.

(Insert note from Dan - Yellowstone , US is where touristsare being expelled now because the soles of their shoes are burningoff regularly- exact opposite on polar tilt from Sumatra -below) Need for speed underground 2 setup free download for pc.

>From: david >To: 911group >Subject:Mega volcano in Sumatra can be devastating to the human civilization
>Early signs of mega volcano in Sumatra very close to wherethe Tsunami happened - it can be devastating to the human civilization
>Staff Reporter - Apr. 18, 2005 -
>Volcanic ashes have made thousands of people in Sumatra fleathe
>active volcanic regions that are experiencing harmonic tremorand
>some solid signs of an eminent mega volcano in that regionsoon. The
>recent volcanic activities with the accompanying harmonictremor
>since last week is alarming and is making many geologistsrun
>towards their computer model for finding clues and validationof
>Toba in Sumatra experienced the massive volcano of VEI 8.0­ super
>volcano 74,000 years back. The deep Java trench marks theline where
>the Indo-Australian plate subducts, i.e. slips under, thesection of
>the Eurasian plate on which Indonesia sits. While sinking,the
>Indo-Australian plate heats up and its water content turnsto
>superheated steam under enormous pressure. Prodigious energiesare
>generated and the volcanoes on the fault line release a partof
>these energies. The speed of that push is 70 mm (2.75 in.)per year,
>adding up to more than 5 km (3.1 miles) in the 73,000 yearssince
>the last major Toba eruption.
>According to computer models, somewhere near Toba, along thefault
>line there may be another super volcano getting ready foreruption.
>3.1 mile sinking of Indo-Australian plate under the EurasianPlate
>in the last 74,000 years has created enough magma for a super
>The recent series of volcanoes in that area have increasedthe level
>of alarm. Some of the quakes mistaken as aftershocks wereharmonic
>tremors signifying lava movements. If Toba or along Toba the
>volcanic eruption take place, it can bring the human civilizationto
>its knees. This has the potential 3000 cubic Kilometer oferuption.
>That can be so devastating that earth may experience a dropin
>temperature of 30degrees Fahrenheit for many years. It canactually
>larger than the one Toba experienced 74,000 years back.
>The volcanic activities in the regions in the past week maybe
>signaling an eminent mega volcano a sort of repeat of whathappened
>74,000 years back. One interesting fact is that this areais just on
>the opposite side in the globe from the 'Yellow StoneHot Spot' in
>If a mega volcano happens in Sumatra of VEI 8.0. it can be
>catastrophic to our civilization. The ashes will engulf thewhole
>world with serious reparation on livelihood, agriculture and
>weather. Last time it wiped out almost 75% of all living beingson
>the land surface on the earth. -

reprinted from yesterday's

Extending the Seyfert Galaxy Orgasm trigger for Solar Max dialog at - Author of Voynich Manuscript and the Approaching Eye of the Galactic Superwave. writes. 'Hi Dan,..The galactic superwave, which was more than likely about halfway here when the last major event hit, will simply obliterate life if someone does not step into the mix. My approach has dealt with the information given to abductees over the last fifty years, as well as the search in history for the thread that explains this. The answers as down to earth. Rhel 6.4 iso download. 'They' are here for the event - and, as was said to one abductee that was shown a horrific looking sky: When you see the sky look like this, know that we are coming.--Regards Jim..
They thought the Voynich manuscript was just a star map to show the Cathar shaman where to steer at death - but much more it is to show our genepool where to steer at it's death (into the eye of the storm)-- To quote Dr LaViolette from his book, (about the astrophysics etc. of the Galactic SuperWave - compression?) --- 'Earth Under Fire';

'According to a legend told by the Hopi Indians, the present world civilization is not the first to populate the earth. Before this one, there were three other 'worlds', each terminated by a global catastrophe. They call the present world cycle the 'Fourth World', and claim that it too like the others before it, will one day come to an end. They say that this ending will be heralded by the appearance of Saquasohuh, the Blue Star spirit.
Since the cores of distant exploding galaxies are observed to have a bright blue star-like appearance, it is reasonable to expect that the core of our own Galaxy would have a similar appearance during its explosive phase. So the legendary appearance of the Blue Star could be referring to an explosion of our Galaxy's core.. Several hundred years after the first appearance of the Blue Star, earth observers would have become aware of lighting effects resulting from the Superwave's passage through the galaxy's central buldge. Sychrotron radiation emitted by the Superwave's cosmic rays, would have illuminated the dense gas clouds in the Galaxy's nucleus to create an oval luminous form around the Blue Star..Dense clouds of dust obscure visible light coming from this region. However, during its bright active phase, some light would have penetrated. This frightening spectacle may have appeared to ancient inhabitants as a gigantic punishing 'Eye' in the sky, the entire form occupying about a 16 degree field of view, or about 32 solar diameters. The 'iris', would have a diameter of about, 4 degrees with a brilliant light emanating from its central pupil--the Blue Star.'

---Paul LaViolette author of Galactic Superwave - also writes:4/17/05 (in response to my note) from Dan: 'it seems to me - that the concept of self similar or fractal arrangement for dialectric charge centers (capacitors in a cone optimized by phi - making gravity) may be essential principle? >>'

to which Paul responds: 'I don't know exactly what you mean by the above. My concept is simple: positive charge (protons) produce positive mass (G potential wells), negative charge (electrons) produce negative mass (G potential hills). Contrary to general relativity, there are two polarities for gravity and these are correlated with electric charge. These are predictions from a theory I have developed called subquantum kinetics. Thus far subquantum kinetics has had 10 of its a priori predictions verified by observation so this sets it appart from most other theories on electrogravitics.

If you want to learn more about my work in this area I suggest you read my book Subquantum Kinetics and my paper on the B-2 which is in the book Electrogravitics Systems edited by T. Valone. They can be ordered from or at the website.,Best regards, Paul LaViolette'

to which Dan returned: (the reason negative charge produces gravity) ' .. the centripedal nature of what is called negative charge is directly due to charge attraction due to fractality - when that charge attraction becomes broad spectral enough ( the same harmonic inclusiveness optimized by phi that defines resistance to disease in heart hrv -explaining the eeg / ekg access to voltage from gravity during bliss-shown in power spectra as phi harmonics ) - this suction is called gravity - because this creates a charge path out thru lightspeed -'dan winter

reprinted from April 15-

3. Krakatoa rumbling - mass dreams of high water - feelslike very soon.

Galatic Superwave

Galactic Wave Update

- note from Dan Winter - we posted youof my personal lucid dreams of Krakatoa, skys darkening, and dramaticglobal rise in water level - Babel-An,URUk,5Continents Threatened-GravityMakers Survive?, suggesting the Asian tsunami was justa small beginning - also - implicating the galactic seyfert burst(orgasm ) timing of the solar wind maxima:

At that time and since numerous luciddreamers ( Michael Rice in Ireland, Gareth in Sydney? ) have reportedvery similar images. The dream images suggested that while theplasma arc bursts of the current solar wind peaks and probablemeteor / comet storms, were bleeding the coherence bubble of theEarth's crust first - in SouthEast asia / Indonesia , that shortlythe resultant rupture would definitely be felt globally. As alwaysour STRONG recommendation is that you get over 400 or so feetabove sea level and seek hi wind shelter, and store seeds, potablewater etc. Also many urban areas may become dangerous as culturebreaks down during the chaos. Places where magnetic lines havebeen totally fractionated for years of urban hell ( we just drovethru the Milan poisonous bioregion for example ) are definitelynot likely to survive the immanent solar wind. ( only long wavemagnetic fractality can avoid destructive heat during the suchuseful tests for compressibility to produce acceleration / implosion- as death and rapture and solar wind. )

Galatic Superwave

It seems appropriate here to add now- todays email from Jen M. , ( ) ourhonorary Dragon Queen mother ( her memories of ET origins andgalactic origins were featured at and ).

'Hi everyone! This is the first time that I've writtento so many of my friends about the same thing - but I feel thatI need to share some of the recent news and indicators concerningEarth Changes on a major scale.

I've forwarded the latest news from Mitch Battros, who is apopular figure in the US and who is getting some major interestin the theory of geomagnetic storms and seismic activity. If you'reinterested subscribe to his free newsletter. He is excellent forgetting the latest Earth Changes info. out.

It seems that there has been a media blackout here in the UKconcerning the earthquake, volcanic eruption and the rumblingof Krakatoa in Indonesia. It was on the early news thurs.eve. but then it disappeared and was not in the fri. newspapers.Is anyone getting this news - I'd be interested in links please?It should certainly be in Aus. media.

The likelihood of another 'super-eruption' from the siteof the old Krakatoa seems to be increasing, as the 'Ring of Fire'is stirring. The number of waves of cosmic radiation, includingsolar activity are increasing in regularity - as Mitch says therehave been 3 this week, causing Geomagnetic storms, and then seismicactivity within 72hrs. A major eruption in the Sumatra area wouldmean the rapid dissemination of ash and gases around the planet,both N & S hemispheres, as the volcano is so close to theequator. This would be bad news, plunging earth into a periodof greatly decreased solar warmth, and plummeting temps.

Coupled with the news that more parts of Yellowstone Nat.Park have been closed due to people's shoes melting under themon some paths - temps. of 200deg. F being recorded and the expansionof the underlying magma chamber, it seems that we are headingfor a bumpy ride between now and 2012.

I am not an alarmist!! However, this is a crucial time in ourevolution. Stories from the Ancestors ( Sumerian, Babylonian,Egyptian, Mayan, Inkan, Kogi, Aus. Aboriginal, Maori and Hawai'ian,Hopi and many other First Nation,and many, many more), show somany correlations between the end of the 'Long Count' (circa.2012)-the precessional cycle of 25,920 (+-) - and major Earth changesand cataclysms, that they cannot be ignored.Well, they can be,but that is a very dangerous bit of Ostrich thinking, and sortsout those who are informed enough and who are sufficiently self-empoweredto do something about the survival of themselves and their futuregenerations.

My bit of pontificating is that it is way beyond time thatwe came out of denial, and started planning and supporting oneanother in these 'End Times' (as the S. American Peruvian Q'erocall them - As someone who is working with, studying and researching thestories of our Ancestors; studying Planetary Science at post-grad.level; and is part of a large global community of sustainabilityseekers; I feel that I am well placed to be sharing understandingfrom many different disciplines and sources of wisdom.

So, I am looking at setting up a 'web-log' - a regular journalof daily news, views,links to good sites, and thoughts on thesetimes. I would like you all to contribute, as I respect all ofyou greatly. I'm not sure how it works yet, so stay tuned. I wanta 'blog' because anyone can access it and I feel that this needsto be shared in the web too.It will also be very therapeutic forme as I am seeing the indications and feeling pretty powerlessto help.And if it is just the paranoia of my mid-life transition,then I'll laugh with you all in 2013!!!!!!!

I'm holding my first workshop at the Findhorn Community atthe beg. of May, on Earth Changes - the Indigenous and ContemporaryScience and Meta-physics of. I hope to expand my network of seminarsand workshops, as I am bursting to share this knowledge!!!

I am also helping to arrange a group going to visit the Q'eroelders in Peru in Oct./Nov.this year (Earth Changes permittingof course), and then escorting them to my 'country' near ByronBay in Australia, as a cultural 'exchange' of knowledge and 'EarthBusiness' with the Bunjalung Nation.If you feel drawn to thislet me know. It seems that this trip is a fulfillment of strengtheningvery, very, very, very ancient alliances. It wont be a touristthingie. The Q'ero elders have a serious message about the 'EndTimes' and our transition to the next world to share with us.I'll post more news as it comes.

In the meantime, High Thoughts and Fiery Hearts to us all!Stay tuned. Jen Marquis

>Subject: ECTV/Breaking News - 3rd Kp Index Spike This Week,Watch for Geo-Magnetic Waves
>Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:39:19 -0400
>3rd Kp Index Spike This Week, Watch for Geo-Magnetic 'Waves'
>by Mitch Battros ­ ECTV
>For the third time this week, the Kp Index has spiked foryet still unknown reasons. If my theory holds true, watch for'waves' or 'rolling events' to occur. Forexample, I would not be surprised to see consecutive events suchas earthquakes, volcanoes or freak storms to occur within daysof each other. Of course we know of aftershocks occurring postevent, but I am talking about unrelated events. Perhaps a largequake in the Sumatra area, then two days later an equal or nearequal large quake in Mexico. Yes, one could argue they are connectedvia fault lines, or via the larger circumference known as the'ring of fire', but I am not relating to this. I am suggestingseveral 'separate' events caused by 'waves' of geo-magneticstorms coming in one behind the other. This type of phenomenamight also suggest a first wave setting off, then a second orthird wave hitting the same region escalating or magnifying asingle event.
>Another consideration would be a 'wave' of volcanicactivity. Volcanologist tell us there is not a 'domino' effectwhen it comes to volcanoes. I would agree. Yes, volcanoes areconnected in the sense of 'ring of fire', but they are not connectedas if there were an underground funnel or chamber that connectsone to the other. (Not horizontal anyway). Yes, one can certainlysay there are 'vertical' chambers that would connect a volcanoto the Earth's core or mantel. There is one exception however,that is the calderas such as Yellowstone super-volcano, Long Valley,and Toba. With these (caldera volcano's) there is indeed horizontalmagma chambers that connect different parts of the caldera whichwould vent in different geographical areas within the calderaitself. There could be several miles between each vent givingthe effect of separate volcanoes.
>Reminder: The above scenarios are theoretical possibilitiesbased on scientific facts. However, this does not mean any ofthe above scenarios will occur. In fact, it is very possible nothingat all will happen. So please let us all put on our hats of discernmentand view this as a very public 'outcome study'. For those of youunfamiliar with research, outcome studies are often used to helpprovide proof of theory. This is always done in private with onlythe statisticians and researchers involvement. What I am doingis certainly outside of any scientific standards. This processof engagement is involving you with every step of my research.Usually this would all be done behind the scenes, then at somepoint, I would make a public announcement telling of my findings.I am trying something new and I hope you support this method.I know there could be some who are upset, and not wishing to beinvolved wanting only the final results. So let me know your thoughtsand I can adjust accordingly. My approach does elicit the needof a more balanced and grounded individual who is not easily persuadeof changing facts.
>More information coming forward regarding NEA (near earthasteroid) '2005 ED318'. This one is pretty darn close.Could a near miss asteroid have enough gravitational pull to affectthe Kp Index? Not likely, but I have a feeling there are otherenergy fields related to celestial orbs that very well could Earth'smagnetic field. Watch for an upcoming newsletter.
>Mitch Battros
>Producer - Earth Changes TV

reprinted from Jan 18-

MayanElders on Jan 10: - 'Itis predicted that the recent destruction that occurred in Indonesiawill now happen on five Earth continents.'
Note from Dan - 'After 5 or more of us- had separate lucid dreams of flooding during our recentIreland talks, our best dowsing as to WHEN - suggested- around end of February. You should take action on thisONLY if your intuition CONFIRMS this. Action, among other things,would consist probably of arranging to be higher than 300-600feet above sea level, but sheltered from high wind - at leastfor the better part of February and into March. - This Articlesuggests alignment with fractally arranged magnetic lines - forbetter ( lucid dreaming ) compressibility and leverage on gravitystability is also critical. All sources are in agreement thatresponding with fear would be counter-productive. Challenge: Seethis as a potentially evolutionary push / test to successful compression- bliss.'

Urgent Call of Mayan Elders of Guatemala 1/10/2005Through the old techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, Mayan Elders are summoning humanity at this moment to pay greater attention to the messages that Mother Earth is sending us and they request us to put into action immediately that which we have been summoned for, to be united in a effort to again bring balance on our planet.It is predicted that the recent destruction that occurred in Indonesia will now happen on five Earth continents. This message is not meant to induce fear, or we need to accept all that is, however, through the Heart we can harmonize and commune with Mother Earth to aid in Her transition without the need for human devastation. This is a call for action.
The Elders are worried and the reason why has been announced in recent divinations. A call goes out to all of humanity to recognize its true leaders and to work arduously on a spiritual level thereby avoiding imminent devastation.
(The message -continued at link above - goes on to recommend global prayer and unity ).

Quoting from previous : from a larger than Earth informed perspective with the arriving solar winds etc., the ET's would know that the rising waters of the Asian Tsunami are but a minor prelude to what must come soon (hi water, hi wind etc.) due to solar maxima linked to galactic wind - see . As a result from their perspective this event could be a helpful advance warning to help us make the simple choice to leave sea level housing. Unfortuneately since the global community totally fails to hear even this basic message - their feeble attempts at reconstruction - would be from the ET perspective doomed and worthless. From this view - altho various technologies (lo frequency scalar HAARP like - etc) can create or shield us from some Earthquake activity - they would not serve us by shielding us from the long term effects of Solar Wind. We must appropriately learn how to survive and steer implosive compression (make gravity in our very genes) - or die. It's LIFE OR DEATH. ( ).

More from

Evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs controlling tectonic movements,earthquakes and Tsunamis through electromagnetic flux
Staff Reporter Apr. 18, 2005

Geologists and Physicists are perplexed at some new data analysisof a phenomenon that is well known for many decades. For the firsttime it is shedding some light on a the fact that many UFO researchersbelieved for many years ­ Extraterrestrial UFOs control thetectonic movements and the resultant earthquakes as well as resultingTsunamis.

For many decades a strange phenomenon has surprised the scientificcommunity. It is called earthquake lights. During earthquakesand just before the massive tectonic movements, people experiencestrange lights in the sky. Many have for many years taken theselights as bunch of hoax.

Recent advancements in the research in electromagnetic fluxand resulting effects have shed new light into these 'EarthquakeLights'. According to researchers, these lights are intenseelectromagnetic force fields or 'point concentrated'electromagnetic flux. Those who have experienced these lightsall over the world have not been able to describe these lightsin a consistent manner. Some describe these as searchlight, somesay these are light dispersed in the cloud or fog and there aresome who just these are something like lightening or fireballsin the sky.

There are some beliefs that these earthquake lights are createdby earth's electromagnetic flux during such high release of energyduring tectonic movements and earthquakes. Researchers now havefound that these lights do not occur in all tectonic tremors.The lights are seen only in non-harmonic tremors (signifies nonvolcanic tremors) and in many cases they are just not there ifthe length of the tremor period is considerably less.

The new findings point towards artificial electromagnetic fluxtrying to create or more like prevent large tectonic movements.In many cases the lights point towards a focused concentratedelectromagnetic flux application on a specific spot to accelerateor prevent the tectonic movements.

The scientific evidences point towards extraterrestrial UFOsmanipulating the tectonic plates through focused application ofelectromagnetic flux. Eventually in the next fifty to hundredyears, some physicists believe that terrestrial technologies willalso advance to control earthquakes and Tsunamis in a very similarway.

and Finally - in the spirit of 'It's Life or Deathto MAKE YOUR OWN GRAVITY - to avoid being blown away by the SolarCompression wave

(bringing to mind: 'The fact that virtually noscientist on planet Earth could make gravity with an electriccircuit (fractal capacitor) even if his life depended on it (andit does! ) is not evidence that it is difficult or complicated.It is merely evidence of the arrogant stupidity of most WesternScience. (and of the fear motivator of the secret keepers in advancedmilitary) '- from

Redesigning civilization for BIOLOGIC CHARGE COMPRESSION/BLISS-(Gravity Making) It's Life or Deat. It's LIFE OR DEATH. ( ..

we reprint:

Tibetans monks can become invisible and fly ­ stealthand anti-gravity reverse engineering from UFOs?
Staff Reporter, Apr. 9, 2005 -

Key and peele galactic superwave

It is well known in Tibet that Tibetan monks can perform somespectacular miracles. They can become invisible and fly. Somesay that super natural capabilities helped the monks during Chineseinvasion of Tibet.

Similar strange super natural activities are also shown bythe Hindu Hermits in deep Himalayas especially near Mount Kailash­ a sacred place of worship for Hindus and Tibetan Buddhists.

Though the Tibetan Monks do not show these kinds of super naturalactivities in the public, many in Tibet believes they have thecapabilities. In Hinduism, it is very common. Fighting behindthe stealth cover and using anti-gravity lift is nothing new inthe Ramayana and Mahabharata ­ the legendary epics that formthe basis of Hinduism.

The electromagnetic flux and anti-gravity lift can be approachedfrom the point of view of Physics. But human soul is also a sourceof portable high intensity energy. With the power of will andconcentration the energy source can also create anti-gravity liftharnessing dark matters all around and electromagnetic flux. Thoughwe may look at Physics and be content with its knowledge, we alsoneed to look at the power of soul and knowledge embedded in itthat is never programmed to be revealed in any of us so easily.

Anti-gravity lift can be created with spiritual concentration.Similarly, stealth providing electromagnetic flux is also possiblefrom the same source. Many countries are looking into these paranormaleffects and are finding spectacular results. Many believe thatthe extraterrestrials have similar power and their science isbased on spirituality. It can be that sooner or later our currentcivilization will realize that science alone is not the answerto all questions. Everything cannot be explained by out traditionalQuantum Physics and similar other aspects of science and technologies.The reason is that our science is not advanced enough to answerall that. We are still far behind.

There is another aspect. Like now we finding, the Universeis not the end, there many Universes that form the Mega-Universeand where are Mega-Mega Universes and so on.

Galatic Superwave

Galactic Wave Update

- note from Dan Winter - we posted youof my personal lucid dreams of Krakatoa, skys darkening, and dramaticglobal rise in water level - Babel-An,URUk,5Continents Threatened-GravityMakers Survive?, suggesting the Asian tsunami was justa small beginning - also - implicating the galactic seyfert burst(orgasm ) timing of the solar wind maxima:

At that time and since numerous luciddreamers ( Michael Rice in Ireland, Gareth in Sydney? ) have reportedvery similar images. The dream images suggested that while theplasma arc bursts of the current solar wind peaks and probablemeteor / comet storms, were bleeding the coherence bubble of theEarth's crust first - in SouthEast asia / Indonesia , that shortlythe resultant rupture would definitely be felt globally. As alwaysour STRONG recommendation is that you get over 400 or so feetabove sea level and seek hi wind shelter, and store seeds, potablewater etc. Also many urban areas may become dangerous as culturebreaks down during the chaos. Places where magnetic lines havebeen totally fractionated for years of urban hell ( we just drovethru the Milan poisonous bioregion for example ) are definitelynot likely to survive the immanent solar wind. ( only long wavemagnetic fractality can avoid destructive heat during the suchuseful tests for compressibility to produce acceleration / implosion- as death and rapture and solar wind. )

It seems appropriate here to add now- todays email from Jen M. , ( ) ourhonorary Dragon Queen mother ( her memories of ET origins andgalactic origins were featured at and ).

'Hi everyone! This is the first time that I've writtento so many of my friends about the same thing - but I feel thatI need to share some of the recent news and indicators concerningEarth Changes on a major scale.

I've forwarded the latest news from Mitch Battros, who is apopular figure in the US and who is getting some major interestin the theory of geomagnetic storms and seismic activity. If you'reinterested subscribe to his free newsletter. He is excellent forgetting the latest Earth Changes info. out.

It seems that there has been a media blackout here in the UKconcerning the earthquake, volcanic eruption and the rumblingof Krakatoa in Indonesia. It was on the early news thurs.eve. but then it disappeared and was not in the fri. newspapers.Is anyone getting this news - I'd be interested in links please?It should certainly be in Aus. media.

The likelihood of another 'super-eruption' from the siteof the old Krakatoa seems to be increasing, as the 'Ring of Fire'is stirring. The number of waves of cosmic radiation, includingsolar activity are increasing in regularity - as Mitch says therehave been 3 this week, causing Geomagnetic storms, and then seismicactivity within 72hrs. A major eruption in the Sumatra area wouldmean the rapid dissemination of ash and gases around the planet,both N & S hemispheres, as the volcano is so close to theequator. This would be bad news, plunging earth into a periodof greatly decreased solar warmth, and plummeting temps.

Coupled with the news that more parts of Yellowstone Nat.Park have been closed due to people's shoes melting under themon some paths - temps. of 200deg. F being recorded and the expansionof the underlying magma chamber, it seems that we are headingfor a bumpy ride between now and 2012.

I am not an alarmist!! However, this is a crucial time in ourevolution. Stories from the Ancestors ( Sumerian, Babylonian,Egyptian, Mayan, Inkan, Kogi, Aus. Aboriginal, Maori and Hawai'ian,Hopi and many other First Nation,and many, many more), show somany correlations between the end of the 'Long Count' (circa.2012)-the precessional cycle of 25,920 (+-) - and major Earth changesand cataclysms, that they cannot be ignored.Well, they can be,but that is a very dangerous bit of Ostrich thinking, and sortsout those who are informed enough and who are sufficiently self-empoweredto do something about the survival of themselves and their futuregenerations.

My bit of pontificating is that it is way beyond time thatwe came out of denial, and started planning and supporting oneanother in these 'End Times' (as the S. American Peruvian Q'erocall them - As someone who is working with, studying and researching thestories of our Ancestors; studying Planetary Science at post-grad.level; and is part of a large global community of sustainabilityseekers; I feel that I am well placed to be sharing understandingfrom many different disciplines and sources of wisdom.

So, I am looking at setting up a 'web-log' - a regular journalof daily news, views,links to good sites, and thoughts on thesetimes. I would like you all to contribute, as I respect all ofyou greatly. I'm not sure how it works yet, so stay tuned. I wanta 'blog' because anyone can access it and I feel that this needsto be shared in the web too.It will also be very therapeutic forme as I am seeing the indications and feeling pretty powerlessto help.And if it is just the paranoia of my mid-life transition,then I'll laugh with you all in 2013!!!!!!!

I'm holding my first workshop at the Findhorn Community atthe beg. of May, on Earth Changes - the Indigenous and ContemporaryScience and Meta-physics of. I hope to expand my network of seminarsand workshops, as I am bursting to share this knowledge!!!

I am also helping to arrange a group going to visit the Q'eroelders in Peru in Oct./Nov.this year (Earth Changes permittingof course), and then escorting them to my 'country' near ByronBay in Australia, as a cultural 'exchange' of knowledge and 'EarthBusiness' with the Bunjalung Nation.If you feel drawn to thislet me know. It seems that this trip is a fulfillment of strengtheningvery, very, very, very ancient alliances. It wont be a touristthingie. The Q'ero elders have a serious message about the 'EndTimes' and our transition to the next world to share with us.I'll post more news as it comes.

In the meantime, High Thoughts and Fiery Hearts to us all!Stay tuned. Jen Marquis

>Subject: ECTV/Breaking News - 3rd Kp Index Spike This Week,Watch for Geo-Magnetic Waves
>Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:39:19 -0400
>3rd Kp Index Spike This Week, Watch for Geo-Magnetic 'Waves'
>by Mitch Battros ­ ECTV
>For the third time this week, the Kp Index has spiked foryet still unknown reasons. If my theory holds true, watch for'waves' or 'rolling events' to occur. Forexample, I would not be surprised to see consecutive events suchas earthquakes, volcanoes or freak storms to occur within daysof each other. Of course we know of aftershocks occurring postevent, but I am talking about unrelated events. Perhaps a largequake in the Sumatra area, then two days later an equal or nearequal large quake in Mexico. Yes, one could argue they are connectedvia fault lines, or via the larger circumference known as the'ring of fire', but I am not relating to this. I am suggestingseveral 'separate' events caused by 'waves' of geo-magneticstorms coming in one behind the other. This type of phenomenamight also suggest a first wave setting off, then a second orthird wave hitting the same region escalating or magnifying asingle event.
>Another consideration would be a 'wave' of volcanicactivity. Volcanologist tell us there is not a 'domino' effectwhen it comes to volcanoes. I would agree. Yes, volcanoes areconnected in the sense of 'ring of fire', but they are not connectedas if there were an underground funnel or chamber that connectsone to the other. (Not horizontal anyway). Yes, one can certainlysay there are 'vertical' chambers that would connect a volcanoto the Earth's core or mantel. There is one exception however,that is the calderas such as Yellowstone super-volcano, Long Valley,and Toba. With these (caldera volcano's) there is indeed horizontalmagma chambers that connect different parts of the caldera whichwould vent in different geographical areas within the calderaitself. There could be several miles between each vent givingthe effect of separate volcanoes.
>Reminder: The above scenarios are theoretical possibilitiesbased on scientific facts. However, this does not mean any ofthe above scenarios will occur. In fact, it is very possible nothingat all will happen. So please let us all put on our hats of discernmentand view this as a very public 'outcome study'. For those of youunfamiliar with research, outcome studies are often used to helpprovide proof of theory. This is always done in private with onlythe statisticians and researchers involvement. What I am doingis certainly outside of any scientific standards. This processof engagement is involving you with every step of my research.Usually this would all be done behind the scenes, then at somepoint, I would make a public announcement telling of my findings.I am trying something new and I hope you support this method.I know there could be some who are upset, and not wishing to beinvolved wanting only the final results. So let me know your thoughtsand I can adjust accordingly. My approach does elicit the needof a more balanced and grounded individual who is not easily persuadeof changing facts.
>More information coming forward regarding NEA (near earthasteroid) '2005 ED318'. This one is pretty darn close.Could a near miss asteroid have enough gravitational pull to affectthe Kp Index? Not likely, but I have a feeling there are otherenergy fields related to celestial orbs that very well could Earth'smagnetic field. Watch for an upcoming newsletter.
>Mitch Battros
>Producer - Earth Changes TV

reprinted from Jan 18-

MayanElders on Jan 10: - 'Itis predicted that the recent destruction that occurred in Indonesiawill now happen on five Earth continents.'
Note from Dan - 'After 5 or more of us- had separate lucid dreams of flooding during our recentIreland talks, our best dowsing as to WHEN - suggested- around end of February. You should take action on thisONLY if your intuition CONFIRMS this. Action, among other things,would consist probably of arranging to be higher than 300-600feet above sea level, but sheltered from high wind - at leastfor the better part of February and into March. - This Articlesuggests alignment with fractally arranged magnetic lines - forbetter ( lucid dreaming ) compressibility and leverage on gravitystability is also critical. All sources are in agreement thatresponding with fear would be counter-productive. Challenge: Seethis as a potentially evolutionary push / test to successful compression- bliss.'

Urgent Call of Mayan Elders of Guatemala 1/10/2005Through the old techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, Mayan Elders are summoning humanity at this moment to pay greater attention to the messages that Mother Earth is sending us and they request us to put into action immediately that which we have been summoned for, to be united in a effort to again bring balance on our planet.It is predicted that the recent destruction that occurred in Indonesia will now happen on five Earth continents. This message is not meant to induce fear, or we need to accept all that is, however, through the Heart we can harmonize and commune with Mother Earth to aid in Her transition without the need for human devastation. This is a call for action.
The Elders are worried and the reason why has been announced in recent divinations. A call goes out to all of humanity to recognize its true leaders and to work arduously on a spiritual level thereby avoiding imminent devastation.
(The message -continued at link above - goes on to recommend global prayer and unity ).

Quoting from previous : from a larger than Earth informed perspective with the arriving solar winds etc., the ET's would know that the rising waters of the Asian Tsunami are but a minor prelude to what must come soon (hi water, hi wind etc.) due to solar maxima linked to galactic wind - see . As a result from their perspective this event could be a helpful advance warning to help us make the simple choice to leave sea level housing. Unfortuneately since the global community totally fails to hear even this basic message - their feeble attempts at reconstruction - would be from the ET perspective doomed and worthless. From this view - altho various technologies (lo frequency scalar HAARP like - etc) can create or shield us from some Earthquake activity - they would not serve us by shielding us from the long term effects of Solar Wind. We must appropriately learn how to survive and steer implosive compression (make gravity in our very genes) - or die. It's LIFE OR DEATH. ( ).

More from

Evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs controlling tectonic movements,earthquakes and Tsunamis through electromagnetic flux
Staff Reporter Apr. 18, 2005

Geologists and Physicists are perplexed at some new data analysisof a phenomenon that is well known for many decades. For the firsttime it is shedding some light on a the fact that many UFO researchersbelieved for many years ­ Extraterrestrial UFOs control thetectonic movements and the resultant earthquakes as well as resultingTsunamis.

For many decades a strange phenomenon has surprised the scientificcommunity. It is called earthquake lights. During earthquakesand just before the massive tectonic movements, people experiencestrange lights in the sky. Many have for many years taken theselights as bunch of hoax.

Recent advancements in the research in electromagnetic fluxand resulting effects have shed new light into these 'EarthquakeLights'. According to researchers, these lights are intenseelectromagnetic force fields or 'point concentrated'electromagnetic flux. Those who have experienced these lightsall over the world have not been able to describe these lightsin a consistent manner. Some describe these as searchlight, somesay these are light dispersed in the cloud or fog and there aresome who just these are something like lightening or fireballsin the sky.

There are some beliefs that these earthquake lights are createdby earth's electromagnetic flux during such high release of energyduring tectonic movements and earthquakes. Researchers now havefound that these lights do not occur in all tectonic tremors.The lights are seen only in non-harmonic tremors (signifies nonvolcanic tremors) and in many cases they are just not there ifthe length of the tremor period is considerably less.

The new findings point towards artificial electromagnetic fluxtrying to create or more like prevent large tectonic movements.In many cases the lights point towards a focused concentratedelectromagnetic flux application on a specific spot to accelerateor prevent the tectonic movements.

The scientific evidences point towards extraterrestrial UFOsmanipulating the tectonic plates through focused application ofelectromagnetic flux. Eventually in the next fifty to hundredyears, some physicists believe that terrestrial technologies willalso advance to control earthquakes and Tsunamis in a very similarway.

and Finally - in the spirit of 'It's Life or Deathto MAKE YOUR OWN GRAVITY - to avoid being blown away by the SolarCompression wave

(bringing to mind: 'The fact that virtually noscientist on planet Earth could make gravity with an electriccircuit (fractal capacitor) even if his life depended on it (andit does! ) is not evidence that it is difficult or complicated.It is merely evidence of the arrogant stupidity of most WesternScience. (and of the fear motivator of the secret keepers in advancedmilitary) '- from

Redesigning civilization for BIOLOGIC CHARGE COMPRESSION/BLISS-(Gravity Making) It's Life or Deat. It's LIFE OR DEATH. ( ..

we reprint:

Tibetans monks can become invisible and fly ­ stealthand anti-gravity reverse engineering from UFOs?
Staff Reporter, Apr. 9, 2005 -

It is well known in Tibet that Tibetan monks can perform somespectacular miracles. They can become invisible and fly. Somesay that super natural capabilities helped the monks during Chineseinvasion of Tibet.

Similar strange super natural activities are also shown bythe Hindu Hermits in deep Himalayas especially near Mount Kailash­ a sacred place of worship for Hindus and Tibetan Buddhists.

Though the Tibetan Monks do not show these kinds of super naturalactivities in the public, many in Tibet believes they have thecapabilities. In Hinduism, it is very common. Fighting behindthe stealth cover and using anti-gravity lift is nothing new inthe Ramayana and Mahabharata ­ the legendary epics that formthe basis of Hinduism.

The electromagnetic flux and anti-gravity lift can be approachedfrom the point of view of Physics. But human soul is also a sourceof portable high intensity energy. With the power of will andconcentration the energy source can also create anti-gravity liftharnessing dark matters all around and electromagnetic flux. Thoughwe may look at Physics and be content with its knowledge, we alsoneed to look at the power of soul and knowledge embedded in itthat is never programmed to be revealed in any of us so easily.

Anti-gravity lift can be created with spiritual concentration.Similarly, stealth providing electromagnetic flux is also possiblefrom the same source. Many countries are looking into these paranormaleffects and are finding spectacular results. Many believe thatthe extraterrestrials have similar power and their science isbased on spirituality. It can be that sooner or later our currentcivilization will realize that science alone is not the answerto all questions. Everything cannot be explained by out traditionalQuantum Physics and similar other aspects of science and technologies.The reason is that our science is not advanced enough to answerall that. We are still far behind.

There is another aspect. Like now we finding, the Universeis not the end, there many Universes that form the Mega-Universeand where are Mega-Mega Universes and so on.

According to ancient civilizations, everything becomes clearonce one can focus and use the knowledge of our own soul. AccordingTibetan Monks, they reverse engineered the knowledge from theextraterrestrial super beings using spiritual means and not conventionalscientific means.

postcript: a few relevant (getting heavy with gravity makiing) images from the PowerPointMultiMedia - used for thecourse:

Galactic Wave

- epilog- SHE made Gravity! >

The Galactic Superwave Tarot

broken image